Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Voice lesson #2

Yay! After postponing a couple of times due to my family emergency followed by a cold that temporarily messed up my voice, I finally made it to voice lesson #2. We did some vocalises, and also worked on “Lasciatemi morire” by Monteverdi.

I’m beginning to get a glimpse of how challenging it will be to study voice! After 15+ years of singing experience, I thought I would be (or at least feel) more prepared than I am. But it turns out I still have some old habits to break, and new ones to form. I’m looking forward to the challenge, though.

I felt like my performance of “Lasciatemi morire” was kind of crappy. It’s partly because my teacher gave me four new things to incorporate into my technique that run against the grain of my current singing habits. It puts my performance off-kilter because of course I can’t master the new stuff 10 minutes after it’s introduced. (Which is what practice time is for.) The other thing is that I have a great deal of respect for my teacher, which actually makes me nervous and slightly intimidated to sing in front of him by myself. I’m sure I’ll get over the nerves eventually. In the meantime, thank god for patient voice teachers who can listen to crappy singing and yet still recognize any potential one may have and understand that improvement will come with time, practice, and patience.


Mark said...

I have had a similar experience with learning to play the piano. It might seem paradoxical, but the more I play, the less I know about how to play, because the set of things I don't know becomes larger.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy,

Here's a dilemma: I read your blog. I'd like to make comments. Do I comment on your blog or do I wait until I see you? If I wait until I see you, what if I forget? If I comment on the blog, I'll have less to talk about in person.



Blue Yonder said...

Oluf, I promise that whether or not you leave comments here, I will continue to engage you in interesting conversations whenever we meet in person :)