Thursday, October 18, 2007

Advice for women techies entering the nonprofit sector: Beth Kanter's blog readers weigh in

This entry on Beth Kanter's blog has exactly the kind of advice I am desperately seeking:

I need your help for She's Geeky Session: What's It Really Like To Work As A Techie for Good?


Anonymous said...

So are you going to the conference?

Blue Yonder said...

Probably not - although I'm interested in some of the sessions, it may not be enough sessions to justify the $175 reg fee for me.

Anonymous said...

But since it's an unconference, you can suggest your own topics, too, right?
I can see how $175 is a lot if you're not sure there's something of value, but I think meeting the people might be value enough. That's just me, though.

Blue Yonder said...

Good point, I will reconsider. I guess I don't have much time to decide, though :)